Pilates Reformer

Studio G offers introductory, intermediate and advanced Reformer classes along with one on one personal instruction. 


The Reformer is a spring-loaded, resistance-training apparatus that allows for full range of motion with a smooth-gliding carriage. You will strengthen and stretch your entire body, and develop improved balance, muscle tone and alignment, ease of motion and bone density. 

Pilates Reformer Fees

Individual Pilates Reformer | 60 minute Personal Pilates session $100

Small Group Pilates Reformer | Three 60 minute introductory sessions $99

Duo Pilates Reformer

Two People

60 minute session per client $60 | 10 session package per client $55 ($550)

4 Week Session One per Week

X3 clients 50 minutes, per client $40 w/ full session prepay $35 ($140)

X4 clients 50 minutes, per client $35 w/ full session prepay $30 ($120)

In-Studio G Small Group Floor Exercise

Pilates | Intrinity | Bolstering

60 minutes $14 drop-in

W/ full session prepay

4 classes $12 ($48)

8 classes $12 ($96)